Freckled Parrotlet

Freckled Babies for Sale + Photos

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At the start:
 This beautiful color or color pattern was first noticed back in 2011 in my aviary. I noticed that a few babies were not blue and they were not turquoise. I assumed it was just one of those things that happen sometimes. Different shades of blue are hatched all the time. I decided to keep back some babies from the parents of the birds that produced these new freckled birds to see if I can duplicate it. After 12 to 13 months of waiting for the pairs to mature into breeding age and after tracing back the bloodlines that produced this new freckled color, I was able to pair up 3 different pairs ( back 3 generations ). In all three cases the parents are both blue. I finally was able to put it to the test. I was very excited when both pairs produced freckled babies just like I was hoping. Out of each clutch I am only getting one or two Freckled Turquoise Tinted babies.  I am currently trying to build up a good selection of breeding stock from the four grandparents that are still producing babies.*The Freckled Parrotlet
I am calling them Freckled in my aviary – other breeders may call them something else. We already have a spotted Parrotlet and a  Spectacle Parrotlet, So I picked Freckled for use with my birds as to not confuse these with any of the other species or colors of Parrotlets. But remember – these are pacific species with maybe some of the Lucida species in the background over 4 generations ago. The Lucida would have to have been  4 to 5 generations in the past because I have 3 generations of this color myself and have not bred any Lucida into this color mutation.

Almost 2 ½ years later:  2013
  I am now able to finally let a few of these little gems go up for sale on the website. I have 7 babies ready to go. I would like to see a few other breeders end up with some of these babies in order to keep this exciting new color growing in population. I have kept several pairs back for myself. The 3 pair that are currently producing the strong freckled pattern are now reaching 4 and 5 years old. So I hope to have some of these babies out in the world with other breeders in order to preserve and grow this Freckled turquoise tinted color pattern.  It is a very rare color and may in fact be a brand new color mutation or if it is feather related may not be classified as a color at all and may be more of a rare color pattern. I personally believe this is not a brand-new color or pattern but in fact only extremely rare and hard to find. What I do know for sure is that the color can be passed on to the babies from the parents and that it remains after molt. 

I have not been able to find any other breeders with this color in the USA. I have done countless Google image searches over the last 2 years world wide including image searches looking over thousands of parrotlet photos online. We even spent some time searching Google images UK with no results of finding any that look like these. I will continue to search in hope of finding a breeder that may have one I can trade with in order to get more unrelated pairs. I expect some photos to start showing up online after the word gets out. I have a few breeder friends in Europe that I email back and forth with, they have been trying to find anyone with this color pattern in their area as well. I do have 3 pairs of breeders currently that are producing Freckled babies. I have bred some of the babies they produce back to normal green pacific’s ( last January) and will be setting these babies up to breed this February when they reach 13 months old. Out of 2 pair bred back to normal green (*as normal of a green as you can now find) I did receive 4 babies that were lightly freckled.. These i will breed back to other split to Freckled babies this spring.
December 2013  Update
I have received lots of messages over the last two weeks from all over the world about these little guys from different breeders as far away as Spain, Germany and California. Two different breeders in Europe want to purchase a few, but they have to work out the export issues. They believe the freckled pattern comes from the turquoise gene. I am not sure how they come to that conclusion. Another breeder in California believes it comes from the Lucida species Parrotlet . I am not sure if we will ever know for 100% sure. But what we have pretty much agreed on is that they are very rare. Only one breeder out of six so far has seen this pattern before. In time I am sure other breeders will be sending me their thoughts as well, I will pass on any that I believe are important.


Freckled Parrotlet Babies For Sale

Update 4-8-15
I currently have two blue babies that are split Freckled. Right now they have the Freckled look, But because they are split I do not know nor can I guarantee the Freckled pattern will remain once the bird is older. It does remain on my pure bred freckled babies (what I call purebred)
You can view these babies on my parrotlet for sale page – The ID#’s are w700 and w701

Bird# Click – Photo Sex – Breed – Color Price


Photo #2
 A very rare color pattern
The Freckled Parrotlet – Info Page
  Female Parrotlet
Freckled – Tinted Turquoise
Handfed Baby – Hatched 11-22-13
Ready for pick up now or ship around 4-19
Contact   3 Year Guarantee  $59 Shipping

Carl L
Extremely Rare Freckled  Parrotlet
I love the freckles on this one. Sweet baby girl.
Info about the Freckled Pacific Parrotlet *Click*
Don’t see the one you want?
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Freckled babies are reserved in advance and many times are sold before they are even listed on the website. Make sure to get on my reservation list if you want one of these babies. waiting list

New $59 Shipping

very rare color
  Female Parrotlet
Freckled – Tinted Turquoise
Handfed Baby – Hatched 10-25-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping

A. F.

Extremely Rare Freckled  Parrotlet
I love the freckles on this one. Sweet baby.
New $59 Shipping

Photo #2
very rare color
  Female Parrotlet
Freckled – Tinted Turquoise
Handfed Baby – Hatched 10-18-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping

Jon W
Extremely Rare Freckled  Parrotlet
She is beautiful. A very sweet bird.
New $59 Shipping

very rare color
  Male Parrotlet
Freckled – Tinted Turquoise
Handfed Baby – Hatched 10-22-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping
Gwen H
Extremely Rare Freckled  Parrotlet
A beautiful little boy, Very friendly.
New $59 Shipping

very rare color
  Female Parrotlet
Freckled – Tinted Turquoise
Handfed Baby – Hatched 10-17-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping

Terry C
Extremely Rare Freckled  Parrotlet
They are all so sweet and beautiful,
I run out of things to say about each of them.
New $59 Shipping

very rare color
  Male Parrotlet
Freckled – Tinted Turquoise
Handfed Baby – Hatched 10-21-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping
Extremely Rare Freckled  Parrotlet

Freckled Turquoise
Freckled Turquoise
Extremely Rare Color
Handfed Baby – Hatched  10-12-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping
Robert M


Freckled Turquoise
Freckled Turquoise
Extremely Rare Color
Handfed Baby – Hatched  10-14-13
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping
Alex L


Freckled Turquoise
Freckled Turquoise
Extremely Rare Color
Handfed Baby – Hatched  2013
Ready to go now or for Christmas
Shipping around December 21st
Contact us now   Health Guarantee  Shipping
Doreen C




Below are some photos of different Freckled babies. Each Baby is different from the last. Some times the spots are heavy and sometimes they are a little light. The spots actually look like flakes of black.

Freckled Female on Left (Turquoise Tinted)